Sunday, December 1, 2019

12/2 Blizzard Bag #2

B Block English 12: If you have not completed your Poetry Out Loud poem (fully memorized), then that is your assignment.  If you are finished with your poem, or if you’d prefer an alternate assignment (or if you are just feeling super-creative!), then your assignment is to try your hand at blackout poetry.   Note:  it’s ok  to print out a page or color over a screenshot instead of using an actual page from a book ... or, go ahead and use a book — just please ask first if it’s not yours :)

A1&A2 AP Lit: 
So ... we’ve finished another novel just in time for our second Blizzard Bag.  Seems like a good time for another practice 40-minute essay!  Please get yourself situated with some lined paper and a timer before you read the prompt below.

Here are a few tips for writing this one:

1) the prompt asks you to “select” a novel — please select The Awakening
2) remember to demonstrate analysis in your thesis statement (AP=Analysis, Please!)
3) include literary terms
4) be sure to establish your sense of the MOWAAW — “meaning of the work as a whole”

The Prompt:

1959. All kinds of books have been attacked, suppressed, or disapproved of by authorities, groups, or individuals. Select an important work which you admire and which you propose to defend against possible objections. In a well-planned essay, present reasons why the work might be attacked, and base your defense on a consideration of such matters as its language, the people in it, its mood and spirit, and consequently its artistic purpose and its value for the readers.