Friday, January 31, 2020

A1/A2 Makeup Work for Absent or Testing Students 1/31

Please read Hamlet Act IV, scenes i-iv
and answer the following questions:

1. What is Claudius's response to learning of Polonius's death (IV.i.12)? Hint: remember that Claudius uses the so-called royal we in referring to himself.

2. Why does Hamlet mean by calling Rosencrantz a "sponge" in IV.ii?

3. Hamlet is being anything but clear in IV.ii.27-28: "The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body."  Think about that one.  Offer up a plausible solution to his riddle.

4. If you could choose one detail from Hamlet's IV.iii. dialogue to support the idea that he is trying to seem "mad," what would it be?

5. Claudius reveals his diabolical plan to get rid of Hamlet in IV.iii.67-77.  It's a mini-soliloquy.  What is the plan?!

6. Act IV, scene iv.  Enter: Fortinbras!  Yes!!  He's finally here!  Wait -- where's he going -- what?  He's gone!?  What was that all about?  Seriously, what was the function of having Fortinbras (and his army) appear in this scene?  Hint: it's all about Hamlet, so take a look at Hamlet's soliloquy to see what effect it has on him.

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