Wednesday, November 14, 2018

HW 11/14: Colons Introduce Things

HW: Compose your own examples for each of the following four colon rules.  You may write them on the handout worksheet or somewhere in your notebook if you were not in class on 11/14.

Colons are used to introduce a formal letter:

          Dear Governor Sununu:

Colons are also used to introduce a single word or phrase (functioning a bit like a grammatical "equals"sign):

          If you need to improve your vehicle's snow traction, then there is one tire upgrade that you might want to consider: studded snow tires.  

Colons can be used to introduce a whole list as well:

          All of my pets' names begin with the letter "B": Barney the beagle, Boris the bunny, and Beyonce the basset hound.  

Colons can even be used to introduce a quotation (especially with block quotes):

          Martin Luther King challenges us not to point the finger when it comes to social justice issues: "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people."

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