Thursday, January 3, 2019

Make-Up Classwork 1/3: Hamlet Act IV

If you were absent on 1/3, please read Hamlet IV (scenes i-iv) and provide evidence for the following "Prove It!" statements:

1. (IV.i.) Gertrude tells Claudius that Hamlet is really crazy.

2. (IV.ii) Hamlet accuses Rosencrantz of working for the king.

3. (IV.iii) Hamlet refuses to give a straight answer about the whereabouts of the dead body.

4. (IV.iv) In Hamlet's soliloquy, he compares himself unfavorably to Fortinbras. (Note: Fortinbras makes a cameo appearance earlier in the scene, and Hamlet learns that Fortinbras will be going to war over a pretty much worthless piece of land just for the glory of it.)  

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